Fast ČR


We are immensely proud that we have managed to find suitable premises for our client FAST ČR in GLP Park Brno Holubice, even despite the difficulties resulting from challenging market conditions i.e. rising rents and increasing construction costs. FAST, a leading Czech distributor and wholesaler of electronics and operator of the Planeo Elektro🔌 network throughout the country, has signed a contract for 31,750 sqm of space in this project, which will be built to its requirements. 
I would like to thank to FAST for their longterm partnership and trust, especially to Libor KolíšekPetr Kouba and Vojtech Vilhum and also to Michal Přib and Jan Palek from GLP Czech Republic and Slovakia for their professional approach and flexibility.

At the same time, we helped our client to extend the lease of his existing warehouse premises in Hostivice, Prague-west region.




+420 608 115 108

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